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Secure your site with an SSL certificate from the world’s largest commercial certificate authority

Trusted by 36% of the Fortune 1000 and over 700,000 businesses

Or secure with a:

Lock in 37% Off and Free Code Signing Token

Regulations have changed for Code Signing. Purchase a 3-year certificate this month and receive the now required FIPS-Compliant token Free - a $50 value.


Domain Validation Certificates Secure Single or Multiple Domains
per year*
Organization Validation Certificates Secure Single or Multiple Domains
per year*
Extended Validation Certificates Secure Single or Multiple Domains
per year*
* Prices in US Dollars / USD
Multi-Domain Certificate Secures Multiple Domains
Wildcard Certificates Secure a Single Domain and Unlimited Sub-Domains
* Prices in US Dollars / USD

Web Security and Signing Certificates

Improve email security by digitally signing and encrypting your communications with our email certificates. Prevent man-in-the-middle attackers, phishing and other types of cyber attacks. Supported by the major mail applications, popular mobile devices, and more
Code signing provides authentication to assure customers that downloaded files are from the publisher named on the certificate.
Keep sensitive data and documents protected with document signing. These certificates provide trusted assurance of authentication for electronically transmitted documents by validating identity.
per year*
* Prices in US Dollars / USD